4chan and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race -2023/05/04


So in today's article I want to talk about an image board I used to spend quite much time in... It's called 4chan.I guess there is no bigger and more retarded waste of time than to lurk on 4chan on a daily basis (besides scrolling the feed on Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Plebbit, etc...). There are no threads on that website that are even worth to read through. You will get your occasional effortpost where one or two anons actually think about what they are writing but that's it. One could argue that this makes 4chan worth using but one should understand that these effort posts are incredible rare to spot. All of 4chan's memes are quite old and have been recycled for years. All of the boards are full of pepes, apus and wojaks, every post that is written on these boards lacks a soul. I bet that even the most experienced 4channer wouldn't be able to differentiate a post made by some anon with a bot post since every interaction one will find on 4chan will be nearly algorithmical. I wouldnt be suprised if there would be an altchan where every post is a bot post and I doubt that 4chan's threads would be much more valuable than threads on this altchan. The only credit I can give to 4chan is that it isnt a circlejerk like Plebbit and all of today's social media is (Discord included) because it is full of trolls who just want to make each other seethe hard. You would have to be retarded if you would want to go on /pol/ to make a genuine political conversation although this board is full of bait posts by both political extremes. This board is one of the most degenerate and most retarded once on this site since literally every thread is a bait or LARPer post. I just cant understand how it is possible that this is the most popular board besides /b/. I dont want to go in depth why /b/ is also unbrowsable but just let me summarize /b/ in its entirety. It's just... yeah, it is porn. Straight up porn. And gore. Absoulutely disgusting. I read some time ago that in 4chan's golden age there used to be funny greentexts on this board. Maybe there still are but I wont want to browse through such degenerate things just to find some neat greentexts... Furthermore, I want to comment on the self pityness and self-loathing one can find on /r9k/... Well,screw that. It is just your typical incel self-loathing. There is only degenerate posting I dont want to talk about since the more one you look into the abyss, the more the abyss looks into you. /x/ can be sometimes funny to read through because they are made of bullshit but there is too much coomer posting like on all of 4chan's boards. Yeah, I hate these people. Waifu and succubus threads can be at first glance funny due to the cringe one can find there but they are obviously way too coombrained. /g/ and /sci/ are problably my most favourite boards on that site. Nevertheless, they are in the same way worthless time sinks like all the other boards hence I wouldnt recommend them in any way. Now... Do I recommend an other image board like soyjak party or krautchan instead? Of course I wont since all image-boards are having the same problem. There are no good discussions on them. The only thing I recommend is going outside and not staying on the internet. I mean its for losers obviously. There are no people who are browsing social media for hours and are not losers because all of social media consists of meaningless time sinks.
So, yeah this was my first article on my rant page, I hope you enjoyed it and feel free to become a "real-life-maxxie" like that guy who is constantly shilled on /g/. ;-)
